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EMDR Therapy Newcastle: What is EMDR and how can it help?


Looking for EMDR therapy in Newcastle but not sure what EMDR is or how it can help? Read this quick overview that explains what EMDR is, the benefits of EMDR and how to find an accredited EMDR therapist near you.

EMDR therapy Newcastle: Blue eye logo of EMDR Association of Australia over a blurred lake at sunset. Text: EMDR Association of Australia,
EMDR Therapy Newcastle: What is EMDR and how can it help?

What is EMDR therapy?

EMDR or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is an evidenced-based psychotherapy treatment. EMDR was developed in the late 1980’s, initially to treat PTSD for war veterans, but is now used to reduce psychological distress not only for trauma but used to treat a range of mental health concerns such as anxiety and depression, stress reduction, disturbing memories, phobias, complicated grief and other presentations.


EMDR often uses eye movements, but can also include other forms of bilateral stimulation such as light bars, buzzers held in the hands, audio tones, or tapping. Brain scans taken before and after EMDR treatment show changes in the way the memory is stored, resulting in relief of symptoms.

How does EMDR therapy work?

Although it is clear from clinical trials that EMDR works, the exact mechanisms which cause the memory to change are still being researched. One hypothesis is that the eye movement that occurs during EMDR is similar to the eye movement that occurs during REM sleep where the brain processes information, emotions and consolidates memories. Another theory is our working memory has limited capacity, by retrieving a traumatic memory while engaging in eye movements or other bilateral stimulation, this requires more working memory than is available, therefore it is retrieved with less associated feelings or distress. This memory is then stored properly in long term memory and overwrites the unresolved memory.

By accessing a traumatic memory while engaging in bilateral stimulation (like eye movements) the brain is prompted to process the memory. Through reprocessing, individuals can gain relief from trauma symptoms, feel less distressed by a memory, and gain a new perspective.

While the exact mechanisms of EMDR are still being researched, many clinical trials have shown effectiveness. Brain scans in these clinical trials have shown that EMDR therapy can reduce the activity of the amygdala and increase activity in the prefrontal cortex, meaning the brain becomes better at regulating emotions and thinking clearly. EMDR therapy is one of the most well researched trauma treatment models.

As a result EMDR therapy is an approved treatment by Medicare under a Mental Health Care Plan, alongside other evidence-based therapeutic treatments including Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) Psychoeducation including Motivational Interviewing, Mindfulness and Relaxation strategies, Skills Training and Narrative Therapy.

Who can provide EMDR therapy?

EMDR is provided by qualified mental health professionals who have undertaken further accredited EMDR training.

Mental health clinicians that are eligible to undertake specialised EMDR training can include psychiatrists, GPs who have specialised in psychological medicine, mental health nurses, psychologists, mental health occupational therapists, accredited mental health social workers, counsellors and psychotherapists. Mental health clinicians must be registered with their applicable registered body such as AHPRA, AASW, PACFA or ACA to be eligible to undertake specialised EMDR training.

It takes over 30 hours of closely supervised training to fully train an EMDR therapist.


Benefits of EMDR

EMDR doesn't require talking in detail about a distressing issue, instead it focusses on changing emotions, thoughts or behaviours so the memory is less distressing. EMDR treatment focusses on processing and moving past distressing memories and experiences, as well as reprocessing negative beliefs, reshaping the individual's perspective and installing positive beliefs. EMDR addresses not only present and past triggers, but an important aspect is future templates, to prepare for future challenges.

EMDR addresses the emotional, cognitive and physical aspects of trauma. Most clients report changes in the issue that was previously distressing and memories typically become less vivid and upsetting.

Is EMDR the same as hypnotherapy?

No, EMDR therapy is not hypnotherapy. EMDR trained therapists use eye movements and other bilateral stimulation to help people process traumatic or unresolved memories and emotions. In EMDR therapy, the client remains awake and alert, focussing on specific memories. The client is actively engaged in reprocessing distressing memories.

EMDR therapy is more than the eye movements or bilateral stimulation, it's a therapeutic approach with multiple phases that include history taking, preparation, and target assessment before the desentization and reprocessing phases. Clients should feel well supported and prepared, and like with all therapeutic approaches, collaborated with to inform treatment planning.

Can EMDR therapy be online?

EMDR therapy is effective both online and in person. EMDR therapy online may include the use of online software to aid with bilateral stimulation options. Access to a good internet connection so the processing work isn't interrupted is an important consideration when weighing up online versus face to face counselling.

How do I find an EMDR Therapist near me?

There are several ways you can find an EMDR trained therapist in Newcastle or near you.

  1. Ask your GP for a referral or recommendation for an EMDR trained therapist. Your GP can create a Mental Health Care Plan that entitles you to a Medicare Rebate on a set number of counselling sessions, or you may choose to pay privately for counselling.

  1. Use the Find an EMDR Therapist directory listing on the EMDR Association of Australia's website: This website also has more information on the science behind EMDR, additional EMDR resources and frequently asked questions about EMDR and well worth a visit if you're considering EMDR therapy.

  2. Ask someone you trust for a recommendation or do an online search. Once you have a starting point, don't be afraid to research the mental health professional's credentials, training, experience, specialisations, and make inquiries. Most mental health professionals offer an obligation free initial phone call to answer any questions or are happy to respond to email queries.

Interested in trying EMDR therapy in Newcastle as a client?

If you are interested in trying EMDR therapy in Newcastle you are welcome to contact Kristen to discuss whether this treatment approach might be a good fit for you.

Kristen offers EMDR therapy both online and in person from purpose built counselling rooms in Newcastle, NSW.





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